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Daniel Wee
Site Admin
Posts: 2449 Joined: Wed 25 Feb 25 2009 8:00 pm
by Daniel Wee » Tue 20 Jul 20 2021 12:06 pm
Linux appears to have much better driver support for SDR radios such as the RTL_SDR and HackRF One which is what we're using. You will need to first install the relevant modules:-
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sudo apt install hackrf libhackrf-dev
We then need some kind of Python wrapper to aid experimentation. I am getting some luck with:-
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from libhackrf import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import psd, xlabel, ylabel, show
hackrf = HackRF()
hackrf.sample_rate = 2e6
hackrf.center_freq = 145e6
samples = hackrf.read_samples(2e6)
psd(samples, NFFT=1024, Fs=hackrf.sample_rate/1e6, Fc=hackrf.center_freq/1e6)
xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
ylabel('Relative power (dB)')