Red Pitaya Monitoring Station
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Re: Red Pitaya monitoring station
The FT8 decoder basically runs on cron with a few defined functions - decoding, uploading, and so on.
You can add python3 by way of:-
Additionally, the STEMlabs 125-14 differs from the 122.88-16 in that it has a high impedance input, thus requiring the impedance transformer, whereas the 122.88-16 has that transformer built in and the input is already at 50ohms. For the former, you need to set the jumpers to the middle position (2-5).
You can add python3 by way of:-
Code: Select all
apk add python3
apk add python3-setuptools
apk add py3-pip
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Re: Red Pitaya monitoring station
The 125-14 gets quite hot while running (122.88-16 supposedly gets even hotter). In order to monitor the temperature, the following script can be used:-
I created a directory in ~/apps called tools and made this into
In order to automatically run this script at ssh login, you edit or create a file /etc/ssh/sshrc containing:-
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# from
# updated by Michael Hirsch, Ph.D.
# works in Ash (Red Pitaya ecosystem 0.95) and Bash (ecosystem 0.97)
# path to IIO device
# Note: used "cat" to work in Ash instead of the typically recommended Bash "<".
OFF=$(cat $XADC_PATH/in_temp0_offset)
RAW=$(cat $XADC_PATH/in_temp0_raw)
SCL=$(cat $XADC_PATH/in_temp0_scale)
VAL=$(echo "scale=2;${FORMULA}" | bc)
echo "in_temp0 = ${VAL} °C"
In order to automatically run this script at ssh login, you edit or create a file /etc/ssh/sshrc containing:-
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Re: Red Pitaya monitoring station
In order to make changes that persist, you will need to enable writes to the mounted partition using:-
and make it read-only afterwards with
To commit other changes, use:-
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Code: Select all
Code: Select all
lbu commit -d
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Re: Red Pitaya Monitoring Station
Some useful test information can be found here:-
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Re: Red Pitaya Monitoring Station
The decode process dumps the output to the /dev/shm directory. Temporary files also show up there and are subsequently deleted. It is possible to scan this directory for new receives directly.
The file of interest is ~/apps/sdr_transceiver_ft8/ which gets run under the control of ~/apps/sdr_transceiver_ft8/ft8.cron
So if we want to process the data, we need to insert a command into at the point before the REPORT file is deleted.
The file of interest is ~/apps/sdr_transceiver_ft8/ which gets run under the control of ~/apps/sdr_transceiver_ft8/ft8.cron
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* * * * * cd /dev/shm && /media/mmcblk0p1/apps/sdr_transceiver_ft8/ >> decode-ft8.log 2>&1 &
*/6 * * * * cd /dev/shm && /media/mmcblk0p1/apps/sdr_transceiver_ft8/ >> upload-ft8.log 2>&1 &
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Re: Red Pitaya Monitoring Station
To enable Wi-Fi for multiple SSIDs, you will need to add multiple entries into /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf using:-
This will append the entries which then need to be committed using
Additionall, you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces to be:-
Note that Wi-Fi association might not be immediate at boot so give it a little time to work things out.
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wpa_passphrase SSID PASSOWRD >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
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lbu commit -d
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auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hostname ft8mon
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
hostname ft8mon
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
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Re: Red Pitaya Monitoring Station
To select the bands - 7 at a time for the StemLABS 125-14 board - edit the write-c2-files.cfg
Code: Select all
// frequency correction, from -100.0 ppm to +100.0 ppm
corr = 0.0;
// comma separated list of bands
// trailing commas are not allowed
bands = (
// { freq = 1.841500; chan = 1; },
{ freq = 3.574500; chan = 1; },
// { freq = 5.358500; chan = 1; },
{ freq = 7.075500; chan = 1; },
{ freq = 10.137500; chan = 1; },
{ freq = 14.075500; chan = 1; },
{ freq = 18.101500; chan = 1; },
{ freq = 21.075500; chan = 1; },
{ freq = 24.916500; chan = 1; },
{ freq = 28.075500; chan = 1; }
// { freq = 50.314500; chan = 1; }
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Re: Red Pitaya Monitoring Station
To change the hostname, you need to edit the script that sets it:-
You need to perform and rw before and ro afterwards, as well as an lbu commit -d
I simply added:-
after commenting out the original line
You need to perform and rw before and ro afterwards, as well as an lbu commit -d
I simply added:-
Code: Select all
echo ft8mon > /etc/hostname
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Re: Red Pitaya Monitoring Station
To use the RP with Wi-Fi, you need to set it to client mode as it goes into host mode by default. To do this, you run:-
You may want to run lbu commit -d after this just to be sure it sticks though I'm not absolutely sure it is needed.
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