DragonOSD+ DOSD Config Mission Editor

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DragonOSD+ DOSD Config Mission Editor

Post by Chris »

Here is the first alpha release for DOSD Config Mission Editor.


-Windows XP or higher
-IE 8 or higher (or similar)
-Dot Net 4.0
-Your particular USB port for the DOSD+
-A live internet connection (if wishing to create new missions)


To install DOSD Config, simply unzip the file to an folder on your PC. This will create three files on your PC. Once unzipped, clicking on the executable, DOSDCONFIG.exe will start the application, assuming you have the prereqs loaded.

If you get the message: “.NET Framework Initialization Error” it means you need to download the latest version 4 dot net framework.
DOSD_Config_Install_001.png (43.66 KiB) Viewed 145919 times
You can download the framework using this link: http://www.microsoft.com/net/Download.aspx

DOSD Config has built in help which is accessible at any time by hitting the F1 key on your keyboard. The help currently covers DOSD Config usage as well as aspects about the DOSD+. If you do not know what a particular setting of the DOSD+ is used for, simply click in the particular box you are curious about and press the F1 key. The specific help will appear for that topic.

For those that don't want to read the help file to get going, here is what you need to do after you start the application....

Once launched successfully, you will see the DOSD Config splash screen, and the application will open. If this is your first time though, you will see two tabs. One is the missions tab and the other is the "Welcome" tab:
DOSD_Config_Install_002.png (21.06 KiB) Viewed 145919 times
Select the com port the DOSD+ is on by selecting Communications then selecting the appriopriate com port.
DOSD_Config_Install_004.png (6.99 KiB) Viewed 145919 times
Once the com port has been selected, you are ready to talk to the DOSD. You can retrieve the current DOSD configuration by clicking on File then selecting "Read From DOSD"
DOSD_Config_Install_005.png (17.53 KiB) Viewed 145919 times
Where the fun begins!

This application is dynamic. Once the DOSD has been queried, it "builds" both the tabs, and the controls, based on the firmware you have loaded.
DOSD_Config_Install_006.png (24.15 KiB) Viewed 145919 times
The Missions Tab

Clicking on the Missions tab will reveal all available missions (if you have created any) as well as display the selected mission in the preview window. NOTE: If you only see control buttons, it means you don't have IE 8 or higher installed. ( I believe other viewers may work as well, but I have not verified this.)
DOSD_Config_Install_007.png (76.23 KiB) Viewed 145919 times
From this tab, you can do such things as:
-Create a new mission
-Delete the currently select mission
-Edit a mission
-Delete all missions
-Open the mission folder
-Send a mission to the DOSD

Each mission is saved in its own file. The system will create the folder on the users PC if it does not exist at run time. Another item to note here is that if you are "offline" you can still load missions from here, but will not be able to get to the mission editor. The mission will be primitively rendered on the preview window, since the internet is not available. So if one takes there laptop to the field, multiple missions could be loaded during a flying session.

Thats about it! The rest is currently in the help file, so create a mission or two and go fly! Enjoy!
DOSD Config Alpha Release .9
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Release 0_9_4

Post by Chris »

New in this release:

-Updated application for new firmware variables.
-Updated application for "global compliance". Should eliminate scripting errors some have encountered.
DOSD Config Alpha Release 0.9.4
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Release 0_9_4_1

Post by Chris »

New in this release:

-Updated application for new firmware 13.8 variables.
DOSD Config Alpha Release
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Release 0_9_5

Post by Chris »

New in this release:

-Updated application for new firmware 14.1
-Enhanced mission load timing functionality.
-Enhanced US/SI conversion functionality.
-Updated help file.
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Release 0_9_6

Post by Chris »

New in this release:

-Greater Speed Enhancements for mission load and settings savings.
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Re: DragonOSD+ DOSD Config Mission Editor

Post by virgis21 »


For next version, can you add a question box for confirming mission removal (delete mission):

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Release 0_9_7

Post by Chris »

New in this release:

-Updated application for new firmware 17.2
-Updated help system for new firmware 17.2
-Added delete mission confirmation dialog as requested.
-Improved code for waypoint naming.
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Release 2.0

Post by Chris »

New in this release:
Total recoding for map functionality to eliminate errors being introduced by obsolete Google API 2.0
-Performance improvements
-Enhanced functionality added to now display hit radius as well as flight path arrows (user selectable)
-Improved Visit / Loiter / Next Icon color routines so marker points are now reloaded on mission load and preview with proper color identification.
-Compliance verification performed for all current and past OS's (XP,W7 and W8).
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Release 2.1

Post by Chris »

Changes have been made with release 2.1. Some changes are minor and some are major:

1) Added new "Overview" tab, similar to what is included in PC Commander.
-Depicts not only the same over view data, but also the number of flight plans stored along with the number of logs stored on the PC.

2) Added new "Sensors" tab.

3) Added RSSI, Voltage and current wizards, similar to what is included in PC Commander.

4) Added the ability to pull the OSD flight logs. Logs can either be pulled from the main DOSD Config form by using the drop down menu under "File" then selecting "View Flight Logs" or by going to the Mission Editor Screen and clicking on the "Flight Logs" button.

5) Added a "flight replay" feature, with the addition of a "Flight Logs" button on the Mission Editor Screen. This gives you the ability to see how their craft behaved during a flight. It can be replayed over top of any flight plan you wish. The replay feature has the following options:
a) Replay Speed - Allows user to change playback from approx real-time "1" to many times that rate.
b) Center on Playback - Keeps the plane centered in the map window at all times.
c) Show Log Path - Creates a "trail" behind the plane so you know where it has been.
d) Show Distance Traveled and Heading - Just what it says. Shows up on the map.
e) Show Lat and Long Values - Again, just what it says.
f) Show Flight Controls - Shows the user Avionics Instrumentation controls. Controls are adapted from Open Source code by Guillaume CHOUTEAU
g) Perspective - Currently not changeable by user.

8) Added Open Source Avionics Instrumentation controls by Guillaume CHOUTEAU
9) Added "Simulation Mode" button to the Mission Editor screen. When activated, it sends the "SIM" command to the DOSD+, along with the current home position Long and Lat values as a starting point for the simulation. If the hardware has been set up properly by the user, the craft should start moving and react to user input. All the replay options described above, except for the avionic display controls, are available to the user. Clicking on the Simulation Mode button again terminates the SIM mode. Note that this last item should be considered a "beta" feature.
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Release 2.2

Post by Chris »

Maintenance Release:

Updated application to accommodate Google API changes.

Fixes home address exception.
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