DragonOSD+ saves the day

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Daniel Wee
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Re: DragonOSD+ saves the day

Post by Daniel Wee »

Daniel Wee
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DOSD Saves the Day...and my Skywalker too

Post by Daniel Wee »

Finally!!! I can officially say my DOSD saved my plane today. I was going for a new distance run (shooting for 6 miles out). I was just over 2 miles out and 1700' AGL when I panned my camera for a look around. Ops...shouldn't of panned. Evidently the pan pulled on the camera wires some and loosened the camera connection. First my video went grainy, then totally blacked out. Wiggling the camera around a little would bring the video in and out some...but mostly just black screen. I knew I had plenty of altitude and no vertical obstacles between me and the plane, so I just flipped my RTH and let it sit for a few while the plane turned back home. I then reduced throttle so it would start a slow descent. I kept playing with the camera pan every now and then and would get 'blips' of video so I could get quick distance and altitude readings. When things stayed black most of the time I just took off my goggles and waited for the plane to come back in visual. A few minutes later I see a nice little white speck coming my way. I let it come back well within LOS, flipped off RTH and flew a round a little by LOS, then landed. After landing I completely disconnected and reconnected the camera connection, got video back, launched, and flew around a little more with the goggles on...nothing long distance though...but about 1 mile out at lower altitude. Yep...DOSD brought back my plane and I never worried about it. I did break a sweat though...but that was because it was some 100+/- degrees F outside. .

Okay, here's the video of today's DOSD RTH save. This is why I LOVE my Dragon equipment.

edit: I just checked my video setup. The issue wasn't the wire connections. The video wire broke from the pin in the connector. I've redone the pins to, hopefully, not have a repeat problem. I'm also going to secure the connector to the back of the camera to though...if the connector can't move around then there should be less chance of strain on the wires and future breakage.


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Daniel Wee
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Re: DragonOSD+ saves the day

Post by Daniel Wee »

First i got lucky, not with DOSD, but my tracker lost its lock and i didnt have a picture, with all settings zero`d i though i was in a lot of bother ! Luckily got it back.

Then we moved flying sites, at 4km out the tracker again lost its lock, panned 180 degrees and now i was in trouble. I had just finished fine tunning the autopilot before beginning the flight. I was over the coastline and my flying buddy had to try find the plane with the antenna manually, twice !

I can hand on heart say that the only reason that plane came back was the autopilot that i triggered as soon as we knew i was in trouble.

The relief that came when what seemed an eternity we got the picture back to see the Skywalker, plodding along, slowely decending on a bee line for home That was the fist time i have ever actually needed to use RTH and im soooo glad it did.


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Daniel Wee
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Re: DragonOSD+ saves the day

Post by Daniel Wee »

DOSD saved the day. I was out 3 miles and was getting some static so let the auto pilot turn around. What I can't figure out is why my video is worse on the way back? I have an inverted v facing forward.


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John Lee
Posts: 105
Joined: Thu 26 Feb 26 2009 12:24 pm

Re: DragonOSD+ saves the day

Post by John Lee »

This isn't a save my day video but it's pretty cool.


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