Flashing Jetson TX2

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Daniel Wee
Site Admin
Posts: 2449
Joined: Wed 25 Feb 25 2009 8:00 pm

Flashing Jetson TX2

Post by Daniel Wee »

The TX2 board needs to be put into flash mode. This is done by pressing both the PWR (power) and REC (recovery) buttons to power up, then releasing the PWR followed by the REC button. Two green LEDs should be lit indicating that it is in flash mode.

The host machine needs to be running Ubuntu 18.04 (at the time of writing). Because we're in Ubuntu 20.04, we need to trick the sdkmanager (which needs to be installed) from this page:-


The hack is described here:-

https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/s ... lts/125711

The trick is done by editing the /etc/os-release file before running sdkmanager so that


instead of "20.04"

sdkmanager should now work - however the VERSION_ID needs to be returned to "20.04" as soon as possible to prevent other corruptions.

This will now flash the TX2 board but will reach a point where you will need to proceed on the TX2 GUI. This requires a HDMI monitor to be connected as well as keyboard/mouse.

The install on the host side could not complete due to some components not being able to be installed.
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